Getting Started
To incorporate SlapKit.Excel into your project, simply add the NuGet package:
dotnet add package SlapKit.Excel
With that done, you're all set to dive in!
Explore our documentation, where we've gathered hands-on examples inspired by real-world scenarios. These insights could be just the guidance you need!
// Create a workbook document
using XLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook();
IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet();
worksheet.ColumnWidth = 12;
// Insert data
worksheet.Cell("A1").InsertData(new List<object>()
new List<object>() { "Product", "Sold" },
new List<object>() { "Orange", 14 },
new List<object>() { "Apple", 6 },
new List<object>() { "Pear", 10 }
// Add 3-D Pie chart
IXLPie3DChart pieChart = worksheet.Charts
.MoveTo(fromCell: worksheet.Cell("A5"), toCell: worksheet.Cell("E20"));
// Set series data
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